Offer of events and catering for companies

Unicorn Restaurant Sopot


We work with the best

Zrzut ekranu 2023-08-1 o 14.49.52
Zrzut ekranu 2023-08-2 o 12.09.27
Zrzut ekranu 2023-08-1 o 15.11.04

Professional catering services for all occasions

We are one of the few companies that can boast of cooperation with the largest clients in Poland in the field of catering services for major events. We have worked for the LOTOS concern, we have done catering for Intel, Nikie and Selgros. We can also cater for mass events (e.g. Adrea Bocelli concert) and prepare catering for state institutions and universities. Nothing is impossible for us. The best use our services because we offer the highest level in the industry.


Catering for companies

Explore the possibilities and see which brands we have had the opportunity to work with. In addition, we have handled several of the following commissions from start to finish, preparing a menu proposal for clients that takes into account food allergies and any guidelines for
serving guidelines. We also supported the organisation in terms of event equipment and service.

These are just a few of the many successes we can boast of, confirmed by the recommendations we have received.

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Event agencies - cooperation

Event Agency IKA

cooperation on assignments for POLPHARMA MEDICA for approx.
500 people and numerous other events for a total of about 4,000 people

Just Point Agency

Commissioned for a mass event – Andrea Bocelli concert

Catering for state institutions

Co-organisation of the opening event for the Vistula Spit opening

catering for Mr President and the guests at the opening

Organisation of Christmas catering for universities

such as the Medical University for about 200 people


Cooperation with music festival production agencies

Salt Wave Festival in Jastarnia – organization of full catering for the production team and the
artists for approximately 200 people


Ask for a date

If you are interested in catering or an event at the Unicorn Hippodrome or simply want to check date availability, we have provided a form with the possibility to submit details.

Agencja eventowa IKA

współpraca przy zleceniach dla POLPHARMA MEDICA dla około 500 osób oraz liczne inne wydarzenia na łączną ilość około 4000 osób